Saturday, February 25, 2017

Challenges of hot press paper

I’ve tried painting on hot press paper and find it difficult because it’s seems impossible to paint on top of any layers. A dried layer of paint gets stirred up at the slightest touch of a wet brush.

Is there some secret to painting layers on hot press? Or does hot press require that you paint each section in one sweep?

Hot press paper is indeed a whole different experience than cold press or rough paper which is my favorite. I haven't figured it out but it appears that it's preferable to paint in "one sweep"  which means less water than I normally use. It's also a good idea to let the colours mix on the paper with hot press, rather than glaze in layers.

Other tips I've read include using staining transparent pigment for the first layers and to use the more opaque non-staining paints as the final layers.

I've also heard that it might be possible to use lots and lots of water to soak the paper before applying paint. This allows the paper to soak the pigment into the fibres of the paper but you can only do this on the first layer.

The smoother the paper, the more suited it is to dry-brush and the more difficult it is to get smooth, soft effects from water-blurring, since even drying is harder to achieve. 

This weeks artist find is Anna Masson.

Have a great week

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Hands up if you use value sketches

We probably all know that we should do a value sketch as part of the important planning period of a painting.  However, how many actually do one, or even better do a number of them to also improve the composition?

If you are wondering why values are important, I refer you to a previous blog that Neal authored:

Here are some tips for doing a value sketch and planning the number, shape, proportion, and placement of your lightest and darkest values:
  • keep your value sketches small and simple
  • draw a box around your value sketch in the proportions of the paper you are going to paint on
  • limit the use of outlines - think in terms of areas as opposed to lines
  • don't record a lot of information and detail
  • use no more than three to four values (lights, mid-tones and darks)
  • apply the tone with small rapid circular or sideways movement of the hand if using a pencil
  • try reversing values to create new design possibilities
  • draw shapes of your objects to simplify the composition
Some people prefer the use of pencil over watercolour for their value sketch. What's your favorite? Mine is watercolour as it helps me determine the painting sequence of objects in addition to the values.

Today's artist find is Liu Yi
Liu Yi watercolour

Have a great week,