Saturday, August 08, 2015

Do you listen to music while you paint?

Certain types of music may inspire you while you paint or while you are being creative.

I enjoy having music playing in the background while I paint. Upbeat music sometimes inspires me to be very expressive with my brush. This is particularly useful when I do the first washes on the paper. Other times, more mellow music helps me to create moody paintings. This type of music helps me to be more precise in my brush strokes.

How much of the music do you actually listen to? Although I like to have something when I start, it quickly turns into background noise that I don’t pay much attention to.

Two Americans, Morgan Russell and Stanton Macdonald-Wright, were influential forces in furthering the connection between music and art. They were interested in the psychological effects of color and sound and they developed a method of color composition based on what they termed color chords derived from the color wheel. Russell has been credited for inventing synchromism, meaning “with color”. It was chosen as an analogy to the musical term symphony to denote his emphasis on color rhythms. In her book “Synchromism and American Color Abstraction, 1910-1925”, Gail Levin explains the American avant-garde art movement known today as Synchromism.

What type of music do you like to listen to to get you into the zone? Are you more the Michael Buble type, celtic folk type or the classic rock like Journey, Aerosmith, Van Halen.

Today's art find is Steve Rogers:
Steve Rogers watercolour

Have a great week


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