Saturday, February 13, 2016

Using masking fluid

This blog is not about the benefits of using masking fluid. It's about a particular problem with using masking fluid.

If you use masking fluid, you likely have noticed that after you paint over it and then remove the masking that you have added hard edges to your painting. The edge also has more paint then the surrounding area. Some may like that look and in those cases you don’t have to do anything more. However if that's not what you're looking for, this situation can be easily rectified with a gentle touch. Use a brush with soft bristles and clean water to softly brush the hard edge using a soft fine brush and clean water to soften the edge.  

If you paint on rough paper, it is also likely that you have ragged hard edges. In these instances you certainly want to soften and even out those edges to the shape you want them. Otherwise, the edges become an annoying distraction.

You can also use  Q-tips (cotton swab)  to gently remove the surrounding paint. Make sure that you constantly turn the swab so you are not reintroducing paint to the area. This softening technique requires practice.

Another option is to remove the masking fluid after a couple of layers of glaze. Once removed, add another glaze over the exposed area so that the glaze automatically softens the hard edge.

This week's artist find is M. Kazmi
m kazmi waatercolours
Have a great week

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