Saturday, May 02, 2015

Increasing number of Art Shows

Is it me or have you also noticed an increase in art shows, including a wave of pop-up galleries in the past couple of years? Maybe it's because once you start noticing them you realize that there are many opportunities for artists to exhibit their work and for art admirers to see art. Could it be that it's just like when you buy a certain make and colour of car, you start seeing more and more of them on the road afterwards?

Where I live, the season for art shows starts in the Spring and ends in early December. These shows allow hundreds of artists to show and sell their creations to the art-loving public. Participating in these shows can be exhilarating, terrifying and exhausting, all at the same time.
For many, participating in art shows can be a very positive experience as the public compliments your art, buys your art and you get to meet other artists with similar interests. However, I have seen some artists become completely discouraged when they either didn't sell anything or failed to get the attention desired.
If you're thinking of exhibiting at an art show, here are a few tips since not all shows are created equal. If you're not in a hurry, take the first year to check out as many shows as possible. Here are a few things to enquire about or observe:
  • what is the quality of the art
  • how much traffic/visitors are there
  • does anyone seem to be buying works of art
  • talk to their artists about their experience with the current shows and other shows they have attended
  • look at the set ups
  • how much publicity is there to attract the public
  • find out what you need, e.g., business cards, grids, curtains, etc.
  • are the fees reasonable
Take notes and when you are ready, make sure you check out when you have to register for these shows. For many, you might have to register up to six months ahead of the big day.

I enjoy doing a few shows a year.  Feel free to contact me if you have any specific questions.

This weeks art find is Kathy Los Rathburn

WAtercolour by kathy los rathburn

Have a wonderful week.

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